Kyaikhtiyo Overview

Kyaiktiyo is a small town about 160km from Yangon in Southeastern Myanmar, famous for its golden boulder and pagoda balancing precariously over a cliff. There are three places commonly referred to as Kyaiktiyo by travellers: The town of Kyaiktiyo at the foot of the mountain range, on the main street between Mawlamyine and Bago/Yangon. Most busses and the trains leave from here. Kinpun village, where most of the affordable guesthouses and hotels are, 15km/20min uphill from Kyaiktiyo town. Another 30min uphill from Kinpun is the mountaintop village where the expensive upscale hotels and the Golden Rock are located.

Our Kyaikhtiyo trips

Trip name Days From USD
Amazing Myanmar Yangon, Myanmar to Mandalay, Myanmar Amazing Myanmar 12 days Contact us View Trip
