An early start will get you to Wat Pho in time to experience the monks early morning chanting ritual (chanting starts at 09.00 Hrs). Visit the temple grounds and the famous 45-metre reclining Buddha. Continue to The Grand Palace, Thailand’s most important landmark, where you will be awed by the grandeur and majesty of the building and its throne halls. Then, of course, marvel at the mysterious Emerald Buddha, the most revered Buddha image in Thailand.
In the afternoon, board a private retro boat cruising down the River of Kings, the Chao Phraya and the quiet klongs (canals) for 2 hours, you will be taken back in time to a more traditional way of life far removed from Bangkok’s modern skyscrapers. Stops are made to visit the Temple of Dawn or Wat Arun – one of the most prominent landmarks of Bangkok in whose spire is an ineffable symbol of the “City of Angels”. We then drive you to Chinatown square where you start an interesting walk through one of the oldest parts of Bangkok. Walk along Yaowarat Road where you visit interesting shops selling bird’s nests and shark fins, continue to a very old teashop to enjoy a cup of Chinese tea with the locals before heading down Trok Leng Moi Eia (a small alley) to Talad Kao for an interesting local market with variety of fresh foods, fresh & dry fruits, Chinese herbs, groceries. End the walk at Wat Leng Nei Yee and visit the Taoist temple. Return to your hotel late afternoon. Overnight in Bangkok.